Today, let’s discuss 5 ways to train using resistance bands. One of the most publicized reasons for using resistance bands is the fact that it is versatile. However, when people give this reason, it is usually followed with exercises that can be replicated with dumbbells. There is so much more to resistance band training than single joint actions. With the right band, your fitness training can evolve into more highly functional movements.

5 Ways to Train Using Resistance Bands

1.Passive Stretching : Passive stretching is when an external force aids in moving the limb into the new position. Resistance bands can be used to assist while stretching, thus creating a passive stretch. Consistent stretching and flexibility work also helps to maintain a pain free and healthy body. For more information on stretching with bands, please check out our blog Stretching with Bands

2. Sports Specific Training : Rarely in sport (or in life), does one move one joint at a time. In other words, you don’t see many athletes doing a bicep curl alone on the field. If we want to train better movers, then we need to train movement patterns and not isometric muscular work. Training with bands can improve your performance in any sport due to the increasing tension as you increase your range of motion. You can create very sports-specific exercises by using a band to add resistance to a typically-used movement pattern seen in a specific sport, such as a golf swing or tennis backhand. We have blogs on training solutions using our bands for common golf issues and how to use bands in your barre, pilates, or yoga classes. We have videos for tennis training with bands and football athletic training.

3. Slow & Steady : While challenging speed and agility is one aspect of training with resistance bands, you can also gain more control over your body by incorporating much slower movements with the bands. You want to band to maintain a certain level of tension, even when “ending” a movement, instead of allowing the band to snap back into place. Using a band should cause you to slow down, thus creating more work effort throughout the entire movement. Try slowing down and counting to 4 during each segment of the movement.

4. Partner Play : As we mentioned in our previous blog Band Training 101 : 5 Resistance Band Anchor Ideas, partner work is a fun way to ensure you schedule movement into your busy day.  Resistance Bands easily allow for partner work, in which both people are moving simultaneously. This means that you will be working against the band and the partner at the same time, which further challenges your stability and coordination while adding another level of fun.

5. Rehabilitation : Specificity is the principle of training that states that training should be relevant and appropriate to the sport for which the individual is training in order to produce a training effect. But what happens if that athlete is injured? You can apply the theory of specificity towards rehabilitation. A resistance band can aid in creating very joint- or muscle- specific exercises in a safe and controlled manner. This is why physical therapists love using resistance bands when helping people get back to full motion movement.

There are multiple different ways to use a resistance band to get a great workout. Think outside of the box of your own body and utilize the band to the fullest potential. Subscribe to our blog to receive new band ideas every week or check us out on facebook and instagram.

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