Category Archives: 101 Band Fitness

Band Training 101 : 5 Mistakes You May Be Making When Using Resistance Bands

As we have established over the past three months, band training is quite effective for everyone and in multiple environments. They are simple to use, easy to add regressions or progressions to movements, and diverse in training style. However, we all make mistakes sometimes. Below are some common mistakes fitness professionals and fitness fanatics make […]

Band Training 101 : 5 Aspects of a Great Band Warm-Up


One of the most overlooked and underdeveloped aspects of a workout is the warm-up. Trainers and clients alike quickly skip through his section to get to the more “important” exercises. A proper warm-up can help improve performance as well as prevent injuries, which is why we should spend more time preparing the body for the […]

Band Training 101 : 5 Ways to Train Using Resistance Bands

5 ways to train using resistance bands

Today, let’s discuss 5 ways to train using resistance bands. One of the most publicized reasons for using resistance bands is the fact that it is versatile. However, when people give this reason, it is usually followed with exercises that can be replicated with dumbbells. There is so much more to resistance band training than […]

Band Training 101 : 5 Resistance Band Anchor Ideas

Training Session

Resistance bands are great for any strength training or rehabilitation program. As we discussed in our blog, Band Training 101: 5 Reasons to Use a Resistance Band, band exercises can be functional, mimic sports-specific movement, and create better movers. When working out with a resistance band, people immediately anchor the band to or around themselves. […]

Band Training 101 : 5 Reasons to Use a Resistance Band

Training Session 3

With resistance bands, you can execute just about any typical strength training exercise without the need for weights. The original design of the SuperFlex bands allows you to add additional movements to your catalog. But perhaps you’ve never or rarely have tried resistance bands. Why should you start? Here are our top 5 reasons to use a […]