Category Archives: Training

Band Training 101 : 5 Resistance Band Anchor Ideas

Training Session

Resistance bands are great for any strength training or rehabilitation program. As we discussed in our blog, Band Training 101: 5 Reasons to Use a Resistance Band, band exercises can be functional, mimic sports-specific movement, and create better movers. When working out with a resistance band, people immediately anchor the band to or around themselves. […]

Band Training 101 : 5 Reasons to Use a Resistance Band

Training Session 3

With resistance bands, you can execute just about any typical strength training exercise without the need for weights. The original design of the SuperFlex bands allows you to add additional movements to your catalog. But perhaps you’ve never or rarely have tried resistance bands. Why should you start? Here are our top 5 reasons to use a […]

Eliminate the Flat Backswing

A common fault that you see among amateur golfers is a flat backswing. When a player rolls the club behind their hands during the backswing, it takes multiple compensations to hit a solid golf shot. In this blog, we will provide you with technical advice plus drills to eliminate a flat backswing. One of the […]

Improving Golf Swing Body Pivot

As golf history has shown, players can play great golf from all sorts of different clubface, arm, and shaft positions. We can make up for less than perfect mechanics by improving the body pivot in the downswing. In this blog, we will focus on improving the golf swing body pivot and provide two great exercises […]

Creating Lower Body Stability for Golfers

Lowe Bosy Stability For Glofers

Much of golf instruction focuses on what the arms and club are doing during the golf swing. As we have seen throughout history many great players have had numerous arm and shaft positions. One player is laid off while the other is perfectly on plane. Another player has a flat arm plane while the other […]

Dynamic Core Stability

Dynamic Core Stability

Dynamic Core Stability The training program presented in this blog Dynamic Core Stability emphasizes the core’s ability to “absorb-and-redirect” force. This is much like a boxer being able to instantly brace for impact by hardwiring the neuromuscular system to respond in the most proficient way possible. Tension is obviously a good thing… at the right […]

Metabolic Mobility Matrix with SuperFlex Movement Bands

Metabolic Mobility Matrix with SuperFlex Movement Bands Integrated Athletic Mobility Prep   M3 Metabolic Mobility Matrix Lunge/ Locomotion As a competitive athlete, there’s a definitive difference in being in “good condition” and being physically prepared in the way that carries over to the field of play. No doubt, you can get in very good cardiovascular condition […]

Core Activation and Core Stability

Core Activation and Core Stability “Nucleus 8” In the previous installment of the SuperFlex IAMP, I covered our dynamic stretching/flexibility program. In this segment, I will address the next phase in preparation for training and/or competition– muscle core activation and core stability for total body stabilization with maximum functionality.  There are three key areas that […]

Integrated Stretching and Mobility Prep

Integrated Stretching and Mobility Prep One of the topics of great debate over the years is integrated stretching and mobility prep and whether stretching is beneficial for performance and injury prevention. The majority of this contention is based on failure to identify what you want to accomplish with the stretching. Of course, the common response […]